Curso de Inglés Nivel Intermedio



LECCION 9 - PAGINA 8   índice del curso   página anterior


Weddings in Argentina
Las bodas en Argentina


Lee atentamente este artículo acerca de las costumbres de una boda argentina, probablemente muy similares a las de otros países. Completa luego los dos ejercicios de lecto-comprensión.

In Argentina, as in most countries all over the world, before a man and a woman get married, they usually date each other. That's no surprise, of course, but this article will help you learn a lot of new words.

And when they decide to get engaged, they send announcements to their friends and the couple usually offers a small party. During this intimate ceremony a ring is given and worn as a sign of betrothal (a mutual promise to marry). The woman who is engaged to be married is called a bride-to-be or a fiancée. And the man is called a groom-to-be or a fiancé.  

When the time of thinking about marriage comes, the woman's female friends often give her a bridal shower and the man's male friends throw a bachelor party, usually at tea-rooms or restaurants. Bachelor parties are stag meetings - for men only - held on the night before he is married. And many tricks are generally prepared to play on the bachelor himself.

The marriage is the formal event performed at the local Registry Office. The social event at which the ceremony of marriage is performed is called wedding often held in a church or temple. The woman is then called a bride and the man, a groom. Relatives and friends start buying wedding presents, usually from a specialized store which the couple has selected carefully.  

For the wedding ceremony, the bride usually wears a bridal gown or wedding dress together with a bridal wreath, a bouquet made of delicate small white flowers. A bridesmaid attends the bride at a wedding and the bride's father escorts her. The groom wears a tuxedo or a dark suit and his mother escorts him. During the ceremony, a plain gold wedding ring is given to the bride and sometimes another one is given to the groom.

There is a traditional reception, a formal party held after the ceremony. Abundant food and a special bridecake -a rich cake with several tiers and covered with frosting and decorations- is generally served. After the wedding reception, the couple usually goes on their honeymoon. They usually leave before the guests do, and they usually change into everyday clothes before leaving.

Although newlyweds - as newly married couples are called in the US- like to be alone, after they come back from their honeymoon many of them have to live with their relatives (Oh, home sweet home!!). They can only live in a place of their own when they have enough money to pay for it. But that's another story ...

all over the world: en todo el mundo; get married: casarse; date each other: salen juntos, se citan; get engaged: comprometerse para casarse; announcements: participaciones, invitaciones, anuncios; couple: pareja; engagement ring: anillo de compromiso; betrothal / bitróudal /: compromiso para casarse; bride-to-be: novia (también fiancée, vocablo de origen francés); groom-to-be: novio (también fiancé, vocablo de origen francés; bridal shower: despedida de soltera; bachelor party: despedida de soltero; stag meeting: reunión para hombres; to play tricks on someone: hacerle bromas o chistes a alguien; marriage: casamiento civil; Registry Office: Registro Civil; wedding: casamiento por iglesia o templo; ceremony: ceremonia; bridal gown = wedding dress: vestido o traje de novia; bridal wreath: bouquet o ramo de novia; bridesmaid: dama de honor; escort: acompañar, escoltar; tuxedo = dinner jacket: esmoquin o traje de gala; plain gold: de oro macizo o puro; reception: recepción, fiesta; bridecake: torta o pastel de bodas; tiers: pisos de una torta; frosting: mazapán o cobertura de una torta; honeymoon: luna de miel; guests: invitados; newlyweds: los recién casados; married couples: parejas casadas; Home Sweet Home: Hogar Dulce Hogar; of their own: propio, de su propiedad; to pay for it: para pagarlo, para afrontar los gastos.

Activity 54: Después de leer el artículo selecciona de los menúes las mejores opciones para los MOMENTOS o ETAPAS propuestas. Verifica luego las respuestas correctas ...













Activity 55: Este es un ejercicio de LECTO-COMPRENSION sobre el artículo anterior. Debes COMBINAR el comienzo de las oraciones (primera columna) con el FINAL (segunda columna). SELECCIONA del menú en rojo el NUMERO del final con el cual combina cada una de ellas. Verifica luego las respuestas correctas ...


To live in their own place ...


is generally made of plain gold.


The couple usually put on everyday clothes ... 


buy presents at stores chosen previously.


An engagement ring ...


before leaving the reception.


Relatives and friends usually ...


newlyweds must have enough money.


The wedding ring  ...


means a mutual promise to marry. 

Acabas de finalizar la LECCION 9 del curso Intermedio.
Antes de pasar a la siguiente lección, por favor asegúrate de repasar todo lo que has aprendido aquí.


LECCION 9 - PAGINA 8   índice del curso   página anterior