Curso de Inglés Nivel Intermedio a Intermedio Alto



LECCION 18 - PAGINA 8   índice del curso   página anterior


Honest People
Gente Honesta


Lee atentamente este artículo acerca la sacrificada historia de una dama de Guyana.
Completa luego el ejercicio de lecto-comprensión.

Charmaine Ward came alone to the United Kingdom from Guyana in 1978. It was hard for her to be away from her family. “I was very homesick. Many times I thought, ‘What am I doing here?’ I wanted to pack my bags and go home,” she says.

kept in touch with her family by telephone. She remained in the UK and knew that one day her children and her husband, Vernley, would join her.

Her first job was caring for a family’s children in London. In 1980, she moved to Cambridge and got a job as a general helper at a nursing home. She has worked there with the elderly for 17 years.

Charmaine takes the time to get to know her patients and many have become like members of her own family: “When they feel pain, I cry. And when they die, it’s like I’ve lost a part of my own family.”

Charmaine’s husband joined her in 1979 and the children followed in the early 1980s. Charmaine always wanted to complete her education but she decided
to postpone her dream for her children. “Parents have to give their children the best education they can,” she says. “My children’s education had to come first,” she says.

In 1995, after all four of her children graduated from university, Charmaine
went back to school. She earned her ‘O’ and ‘A’ levels in a mixture of evening classes and distance learning courses run by the National Extension College in Cambridge. “Everyone who has taught me has been so positive and helpful,” says Charmaine. “The people I’ve met through the programme have really added a new dimension to my life”.

Charmaine always
dreamed of going to university herself. Now she is studying for a degree in social sciences at the Open University.

Three of her children have
moved to different parts of the country. “I never wanted them to leave, but I’m not one to hold them back.” The telephone keeps her connected: “I try to maintain the family relationship. I never want to lose that.”

homesick: nostálgico/a; to pack my bags: hacer mis maletas; kept in touch with: se mantuvo en contacto con; remained: se quedó, permaneció; would join her: se uniría a ella; caring for: cuidar a; general helper: asistente general; nursing home: geriátrico; the elderly: los ancianos; to get to know: familiarizarse; members: miembros, integrantes; they feel pain: tienen dolores; to postpone her dream: postergar su sueño; had to come first: tenia prioridad; went back: regresó; earned: obtuvo; distance learning courses: cursos de capacitación a distancia; run by: dirigidos por; has taught me: me ha enseñado; helpful: útil; added: añadido; dreamed of going: soñó con ir; degree: carrera; moved: mudado; to hold them back: para retenerlos; family relationship: vínculo familiar.

Activity 108a: Después de leer atentamente el artículo, escribe dentro de cada casilla y EN ORDEN CRONOLOGICO, los 7 acontecimientos abajo indicados. Verifica luego las respuestas.













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