Curso de Inglés Nivel Intermedio a Intermedio Alto



LECCION 15 - PAGINA 8   índice del curso   página anterior


Your body language
El lenguaje de tu cuerpo


Lee este artículo sobre el LENGUAJE DEL CUERPO y completa luego el ejercicio de lecto-comprensión.

What does your body language say about you? In certain situations, your body language could be revealing more about yourself than you would like to let on. 

Your body provides much information

You probably cross your legs, roll your eyes and put your hands on your hips many times a day without even noticing. These and other facial expressions and gestures can serve as clues for others to decipher your thoughts and feelings. Body language can provide us with much useful information about a person, but can also be easily misinterpreted. Since body language varies a great deal from culture to culture, it is foolhardy to assume that a certain facial expression or gesture means one particular thing.

Avoid looking around in a conversation 

For example, if you want to be considered warm and friendly in a conversation, lean in towards the other person, use open, fluid movements and gestures, make eye contact, relax your posture, use friendly touch and smile. Avoid fidgeting, a slumped posture and glancing around the room, which can give the impression that you are cold, impersonal and bored.

Transmitting a high-status image

Nonverbal behavior can also transmit power and status. Persons of high-status often put their hands on their hips, speak louder, use more expansive gestures and maintain a greater distance between themselves and the person they are speaking with than do persons of lower status. So, if you would like to transmit a high-status or a powerful image be sure to keep a rigid posture, touch others more than they touch you, smile less than others and make less direct eye contact when others look at you.

Discovering a liar

One of the most common uses of body language interpretation is in lie detection. When you think someone might be lying to you, some common signs are a higher than normal pitched voice, less eye contact, less enthusiastic gestures, less nodding and more speech errors. The most tell-tale area of the body is the feet and legs. But, remember that someone who may exhibit the signs of a liar is not necessarily one of them!!

Eye contact: a conversational enhancer 

Studies have shown that our pupils dilate when we are interested in something. But research has also shown that pupil dilation is an indicator of extreme disgust. So you can't just assume that the person looking at you with dilated pupils is in love with you. In fact, the very opposite might be true! Eye contact is also an indicator of emotion. Making good eye contact can enhance any conversation: it shows sincerity, active interest and approval.


certain: determinadas; revealing: revelando, mostrando; provides: provee, entrega; roll: mover en forma circular; hips: caderas; clues: pistas, señales; decipher /décifer/: descifrar; thoughts: pensamientos; feelings: sentimientos; misinterpreted: malinterpretados; a great deal: mucho; foolhardy: temerario, desafiante; assume: asumir, dar por sobreentendido; lean in: inclinarse hacia adelante; make eye contact: mirar a los ojos; smile: sonrisa; avoid fidgeting: evita mostrarte inquieto; slumping posture: adoptar una postura con los hombros caídos; glancing: echar vistazos, distraerse; nonverbal: sin palabras; behavior: comportamiento; status: categoría; louder: en voz alta; greater distance: mayor distancia, más separados; powerful: fuerte, poderoso; lie detection: detención o descubrimiento de mentiras; lie/lay/lain/lying: mentir; liar: mentiroso/a; pitched voice: el tono (agudo o grave) de la voz; nodding: cabeceo, movimiento de la cabeza; speech errors: errores de lenguaje; tell-tale: revelador; enhancer: realzador, mejorador; pupils: (las) pupilas de los ojos; dilate: se dilatan; research: (la) investigación; shown: demostrado; dilation: dilatación; in love with you: enamorado/a de ti; approval: aprobación. 

Activity 96: Este es un ejercicio de LECTO-COMPRENSION sobre el artículo anterior. Debes COMBINAR el comienzo de las oraciones (primera columna) con el FINAL (segunda columna). SELECCIONA del menú en rojo el NUMERO del final con el cual combina cada una de ellas. Verifica luego las respuestas correctas ...


Some common signs of a liar
are ...


this may allow others to guess your thoughts and feelings.


Body language varies a lot ... 


can be easily misunderstood.


Research has demonstrated
that our pupils


from culture to culture.


Both feet and legs is ...


higher pitched voice, less eye contact and more speech errors.


You can't just assume that the woman or man looking at you  ...


you are really bored.


Sometimes these body signs ...


the most revealing area of our body.


If you usually cross your legs or put your hands on your hips, ...


this may mean high status and power to others.


To appear warm and friendly ...


has fallen in love.


Glancing around the room 
can give the impression that ...


dilate when we are interested or disgusted.


If you usually touch others more than they touch you, ...


you should lean in, use open gestures and make eye contact.


¡FELICITACIONES! Acabas de finalizar la LECCION 15 del curso Intermedio Alto.

Antes de comenzar la Unidad 16 sugerimos que realices el Tercer Test que revisa las Unidades 11 a 15 de este curso. Si consideras que te encuentras en condiciones de realizar el test en estos momentos,  PULSA AQUÍ  para comenzarlo.


LECCION 15 - PAGINA 8   índice del curso   página anterior