Curso de Inglés Nivel Intermedio



LECCION 1 - PAGINA 6   índice del curso   página anterior


Famous immigrants
Inmigrantes destacados


Lee atentamente este artículo acerca de cuatro famosos hispanohablantes que emigraron a los Estados Unidos y completa luego el ejercicio.

Cesar Pelli, Argentina

This architect has designed buildings all over the globe, including the World Financial Center in Manhattan and the world’s tallest building, the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He went to the United States with a scholarship to attend the University of Illinois, where he received a Master in Architecture. He has avoided formalistic preconceptions in his designs and he believes that the aesthetic qualities of a building must have the characteristics of each project: location, construction technology and purpose.

Isabel Allende, Chile

In her website, this Chilean writer comments that her most significant achievement in life is not her writing, but the love she shares with her family. Her father was a diplomatic official of Chile. In 1962 she married Miguel Frías and they had two children, Paula and Nicolas. In 1981 when she received the news that her 99-year-old grandfather was dying, she began to write him a letter that would turn into her famous work The House of the Spirits. In 1987 she divorced her first husband, and in 1988 she married Willie Gordon in San Francisco. At present they live in San Rafael, California. 

Carlos Santana, Mexico

Born in 1947 into a musical family, Santana emulated his father José, a Mariachi violinist who taught him the basics of music. In 1960 his family moved to San Francisco. When he added electric guitar to Oye Como Va - famous Tito Puente’s music - Santana could reach a huge audience with his blend of Rock'n Roll and Latin music. Often colorful and fancy on his album covers, Carlos Santana thinks that his music is a universal message of love, tolerance and brotherhood, and he always says: "We're all brothers and sisters. Let's celebrate the human spirit".  

Placido Domingo, Spain

Born in Madrid in 1941 he was lucky to have parents who were musicians. When he was eight his family moved to Mexico and he went to the Mexico City Conservatory to study piano and conducting, but when his voice was discovered he went into vocal training. He made his operatic debut at Monterrey as Alfredo in La Traviata. He has raised millions of dollars through special benefit concerts, and in 2002 he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the U.S. He has no favorite opera house, but he has sung at the Met more often than anywhere else.  

globe = world: mundo; tallest: el más alto; scholarship: beca; master: maestría; avoided: evitado; formalistic preconceptions: preconceptos formalísticos; aesthetic: estéticas; location: ubicación; purpose: propósito, objetivo; achievement: logro; shares: comparte; dying: muriéndose; would turn into: se convertiría, se transformaría en; born: nacido; emulated: emuló, copió; basics: rudimentos, lo más elemental; huge: enorme; blend: mezcla, combinación; fancy: fantaseoso, adornado; brotherhood: hermandad; conducting: dirección orquestal; vocal training: entrenamiento vocal; operatic: operístico; raised: recolectado; freedom: libertad; highest: el más elevado; civilian: civil; sung: cantado; Met: Apodo con el que se conoce al Metropolitan Opera House (afamado teatro de ópera de Nueva York).

Activity 8: Este es un ejercicio de LECTO-COMPRENSION sobre el artículo anterior. Debes COMBINAR el comienzo de las oraciones (primer columna) con el FINAL (segunda columna). SELECCIONA del menú en rojo el NUMERO del final con el cual combina cada una de ellas. Verifica luego las respuestas correctas ...


Domingo made his operatic debut ...


in Malaysia.


This Argentinian architect has designed buildings ...


were musicians.


Santana added electric guitar to
Oye Como Va and he could...


he went into vocal training.


The world's tallest building is ...


formal designs.


It was lucky for Carlos Santana that his father ...


was a Chilean diplomatic official.


When his voice was discovered ...


all over the globe.


It was lucky for Placido Domingo
that his parents ...


taught him the basics of music.


Cesar Pelli has always avoided ...


when her grandfather was dying.


Isabel Allende's father ...


reach a huge audience and
became famous.


The House of Spirits was written ...


at Monterrey.

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LECCION 1 - PAGINA 6   índice del curso   página anterior