1. Juan came to the United States from Argentina. In Buenos Aires he
always had dinner very late, but in the United States dinner was at 6:00.
At first, Juan found this very strange.

At first Juan wasn't used to having dinner at 6:00.
Now Juan finds it normal. He is used to having dinner at 6:00.

2. Diana is a nurse. She started working during the night two years ago.
At first she found it strange and didn't like it.

At first Diana wasn't used to working during the night.
Now she has no problems. She is used to working during the night.

3. Susan moved from a very big house in the country to a small place.
To live in an apartment was not very comfortable for her at first.

At first Susan wasn't used to living in an apartment.
Now she is happy. She is used to living in an apartment.


OM PERSONAL MULTIMEDIA ENGLISH: Desde 1999 en Internet  © Orlando Moure - Todos los Derechos Reservados
Buenos Aires, República Argentina
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