Curso de Inglés Nivel Avanzado



LECCION 9 - PAGINA 9   índice del curso   página anterior


The law into your hands
Justicia por mano propia

Have you ever been so annoyed with your neighbors that you did something to annoy them in return? If so, what did your neighbors do to annoy you? What did you do in return? Read these three special situations.


RALPH: In my apartment building, there is one parking space for each apartment. If a family has two cars, the second car has to be parked on the street. There was no problem until I worked out of town for a month. When I came back, my neighbors Erica and Chris had parked their second car in my space. I asked them to move it. but they refused. They said, "In our opinion, you don't really need a parking space because you go away so often."

The apartment manager said the problem had to be settled among ourselves. When Erica and Chris went on vacation, I bought an old clunker car and parked it in their space.


LINDA: My neighbors used to keep rabbits in their yard, but they treated them very badly. Rabbits should be cleaned regularly, but these rabbits were very dirty, and the smell was really terrible. Worse, I noticed that the rabbits didn't have enough to eat or drink. When I complained to my neighbors, they said, "We don't think it's any of your business. They're not your rabbits, are they?"

When I called the animal protection society they said they would investigate. I waited a week, but nothing happened. One night, I stole the rabbits and took them home. The next day I gave them to a local pet store.


VICTOR: I hadn't been able to get any sleep because of a dripping noise coming from my air conditioner. I thought the air conditioner needed to be repaired, so I called a technician. He couldn't find anything wrong with it, but he said he thought the dripping was coming from the air conditioner in the apartment above me. I asked the neighbor who lives above me to have his air conditioner checked, but he said, "If you can't sleep, that's your problem!".

The following day, I went up a ladder and attached a plastic pipe to my neighbor's leaking air conditioner. Then I stuck the pipe through my neighbor's bedroom window. The next night, my neighbor's bedroom was flooded!



annoyed: molesto; parking space: estacionamiento; to be settled among ourselves: ser solucionado entre nosotros; old clunker car: automóvil chatarra; used to keep rabbits: solían criar conejos; very badly: muy mal; smell: olor desagradable; worse: peor todavía; I complained to: me quejé a; it's any of your business: no es asunto suyo; animal protection society: sociedad protectora de animales; I stole: robé; local pet store: tienda de mascotas local; dripping noise: ruido de goteo; above me: encima del mío; I went up a ladder: me subí a una escalera; attached: adherí; plastic pipe: manguera, caño plástico; leaking: que gotea; stuck: pegué; flooded: inundado.


Activity 100: Basándote en los tres comentarios anteriores completa en forma resumida cada cuadro de situación: 1) detalle del problema; 2) primer intento para solucionar el problema; 3) solución definitiva. Verifica luego las respuestas alternativas.


























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