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Molly Fox:
Maybe the biggest challenge for me is
listening to people talk about their problems all day. At the
end of the day, I'm usually pretty worn out. At times, it can be
depressing as well. On the other hand, I do see patients making
real progress. It's great to see someone really turn their life
around and get on top of a problem that they never thought they
could deal with.
biggest challenge: el
mayor desafío; all day: a lo largo del día; pretty worn out:
muy agotada;
at times: por momentos, a veces; as well: asimismo,
on the other hand: por otra parte; get on top of a problem:
resolver un problema;
deal with: manejar, dominar
A camp counselor
Un asesor de campamento
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Kevin Den:
As a camp counselor, it's difficult to find
a way to get through to kids with problems and win their trust.
Sometimes kids are very suspicious and find it hard to trust an
adult - even a young adult. So getting them to open up is the
hardest part. Once you've done that, they almost become
different people. One of the things I find most rewarding is
seeing kids develop confidence and a sense of self-worth. It's
especially great to see that happen in a kid who started out the
summer with low self-esteem.
get through to:
comunicarse con; win their trust: ganar su confianza;
suspicious: desconfiados;
open up: extrovertirse, abrirse a los demás; the hardest part:
la parte más difícil;
rewarding: gratificante; self-worth: propia valoración;
low self-esteem: baja autoestima
A firefighter
Un bombero
Escucha el audio y concéntrate en la entonación y ritmo de las
Carla Lee:
It sounds pretty obvious, but in my job, the
biggest challenge is going into a burning building that's full
of smoke when you can barely see a few inches in front of you.
It's really difficult - especially when you know there are
people in there, and it's your job to get them out. Once you do
get someone out safely, then you feel really great and you
forget about how dangerous the work is.
pretty obvious: totalmente obvio;
burning building:
edificio en llamas; can barely see: apenas puedes ver; in
there: allí adentro;
get them out: sacarlos, liberarlos; safely: a salvo;
how dangerous: qué peligroso
Activity 25:
Basándote en los tres comentarios anteriores selecciona las personas
correctas considerando los desafíos más importantes (biggest
challenges) y las mejores gratificaciones (greatest rewards)
que les proporcionan sus puestos de trabajo. Verifica luego las
respuestas correctas.
MOLLY FOX: psychologist; KEVIN DEN: camp
counselor; CARLA LEE: firefighter.
Winning children's trust.
Going into a burning building.
Listening to people talk about their problems all day.
Finding a way to get through to kids with problems.
Getting someone out safely.
Seeing kids develop a sense of self-worth.
Seeing patients making real progress.
Seeing children develop confidence.
En la próxima página Mr. Grammar explicará ACCOMPLISHMENTS.